Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So the last time I wrote anything on here was

updates...We are expecting baby #4 this December. Another boy! Laying in the ultrasound room, when the technician turned to us and asked if we wanted to know the sex my husband said he was sure he already knew. Naturally, she asked what he thought the sex is. He replies, "A girl!" Sorry to disappoint hubby~buns but not this time! The first time in 4 pregnancies that he has been wrong! I have to admit that it took me the rest of the 45 minute ultrasound to wrap my head around the ramifications of another boy.

We have a 3 bedroom house, used to be 4 bedrooms but I got hammer happy and we now have ourselves a bigger room. It would have worked out sweetly if the baby was a girl. 2 of each, 2 rooms, easy math. Instead, the reality breaks down into Cassie has her own room, Ryan and Cohen share although neither of them sleep in there. Ryan chooses to sleep on a mattress on Cassie's floor and Cohen has never left Mama's bed. I chose a cozy little corner of my room to set up the baby's crib and installed shelves in my closet for all his clothes, etc. Now thinking about it I very well could move all his belongings up to the boys' room and he would be the only inhabitant of the room anyways. I think I may just clean that room today and see about that!

Other updates to mention...still doing renos (or finishing ones I've already begun). We are concentrating on the outdoors now, mainly the backyard. Not that there was anything wrong with it as it was but we decided to remove the rarely used deck and move the garden shed to make for a bigger play space for the kids.
...Went on 2 trips this summer so far. Took a weekend in May in Niagara Falls and spent this past Sunday at the Granby Zoo. Much fun was had and surprisingly did not leave any children behind at the zoo, maybe next visit!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So pretty much everyone who knows me knows that I have sort of an addictive personality. I have a problem when I like something. I completely overdo it. Like when I discovered that I made a mean homemade pizza. Everyone in the household loves it. Ask them the last time they had it....other than when Maven and the gremlins were over...(stay at home mayhem ~ check them out). I made it so often when I first discovered it that I am now over it.

That's what makes it sort of an addictive personality. Because combined with that is the attention span of a gnat.

My current addiction is ....duh duh da duh ... MouseHunt, an application for Facebook. I have made it to Master, with some sweet cheese and stylin traps. I've even recruited some lackeys, er, friends to play as well. fun fun fun

What's so great about it is that it's a passive game where all I have to do is sound a horn (well click a mouse - the computer mouse not the one i am hunting). And even better, when I deign to step away from the computer for longer than 15 minute intervals I have some of the aforementioned lackeys doing the playing for me...thus enabling my addiction while preventing me from getting sick of the damn's a win~win situation.

gotta run, 15 minutes is up, be vewy qwiet, we're hunting mice.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Silence is Golden.

I am not speaking to my husband. At all. Not even so much as looking at him if I can help it. I can hold a mean grudge if I want to.

I am going about my usual routine. I made supper and cleaned up. I even made enough spaghetti for him. I'm not 100% sure that if his brother wasn't here that I wouldn't have let him fend for himself. Let's pretend that as passive-aggressive as I can be I wouldn't begrudge him a meal. At least not in front of the kids.

They already heard the argument. In the car. Where it started. And it would have ended there if he would have simply acknowledged he was wrong.

I hear giggling from someone. Maven, perhaps?

Here's how it started.

About a week ago I mentioned to hubby that the front tire is making a noise and could he check it. He says, "I already did. It's fine." Not Fine!! Here we were driving to my parent's this afternoon when the *noise* gets progressively louder. and louder. and louder. So I pull over. We get out. He takes off the hubcap. Along come two of the bolts. So he tightens them up. All is well now. As I'm closing the trunk, I say, "Not to say I told you so but I did ask you to check that tire." That did it! He says he did and it was fine. I reply, "When? Last month? Because I asked you last week!" So I go on about how wouldn't it have been great if it had happened while I was alone with the kids and the whole damn tire fell off? blah blah blah

So then the silent treatment on our way home. Followed by more fighting. Someone saying stuff he probably shouldn't say to his wife who has been feeling sick and tired and sore all day. You know like how the house certainly isn't spotless and crap like that. (This came after me pointing out what his responsibilities as *The Man* are.)

Oh Fuck! I just spoke to him. Dammit! I was all distracted by typing. Crap! That ruined my whole evening now. And he smiled about it! Fuck!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ode To My Littlest One

Coco, you are my third~born child, my second son, my little shadow. From the moment you were born you've been my mama's boy, even more so than your brother whose youngest baby boy status you stole. I spend most every minute of my day with you. You are the last thing I see before I fall asleep at night and the first thing I see each morning.

And boy, it's getting old!! Even as I sit here trying to type this out you are pinching my arm. Why? Who knows? So long as it entertains you, right? I have sacrificed my bodu in so many ways for you already why not be your personal pin cushion as well.

You have entered the terrible twos with a vengeance. I hope that you are like the month of March. In like a Lion out like a Lamb. I can compromise. You take this year to get it out of your system and then we won't have to revisit any bad behavior until your late teens, if ever.

Coco, my perfect little man~in~training, you will make a great husband one day. With the way you leave your socks wherever you happen to rip them off, the way you insist on wearing your boots in the house, and the way you play with something then drop it and walk away. The fact that you have a hate on for any clean room in the house and how everyone in the house has to tread carefully around your moods. Your future wife will love me so much for the job I have done raising you.

You know what she will thank me for, though? The way you cuddle and give Eskimo kisses out of the blue. The way you are always more than willing to *help out* when I am in the kitchen.

Coco, you spend a good part of each day terrorizing me, the dogs and the cat, and most of the evening doing so to your brother and sister. As we speak you have journeyed to the other room and are yelling at them. Even though they are asleep you are trying to get their attention. How sweet of you.

I think it is so stinking cute how you are obsessed with ladybugs, books and baths. You bring a smile to my face as you scream cutely at the ladybugs on the floor and window.

But soon you will fall asleep and as I gaze at you I will forget everything except how much I love you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

deja vu

Ever had that feeling that something is awfully familiar? Like you've lived through something already or imagined it or dreamed it? Well...I have been having dreams that occur many years later since I was a child.

The first one I can remember was talking to my Grandma while my Grandpa carried furniture down the stairs. I couldn't recall the conversation though. The reason the dream stood out was because it was so un-dream-like. It was too realistic. And yet it wasn't. It wasn't because things were different. The wall color and carpet were different. And so was Grandma, but just a bit. Fast forward a few years and it happens. Just like in the dream. I mean right down to the minute details. I don't understand why I remembered even the most random details but I did. Maybe because it was a "different" dream. But this time I knew what I had been talking to my Grandma about. Any idea? Yeah, the dream, or deja vu, which she thought was strange too.

So this has happened many times since. And it's so not like a prediction. Too bad though. I only realize it's what it is after it has actually happened.

Like tonight. Just now. Which prompted me to write it down. Or type it out as the case may be. So there I was (or here, whatever) changing Cohen's diaper. Carrying the foulness into the kitchen to throw it out when it hits me. This has already happened. Yes, I change him a gazillion times a day and yes, I walk in and out of my kitchen even more than that, but I knew "this" had happened. At least in a dream.

And I know when I dreamed it, too. For once I can pinpoint the exact timing. Why do I remember it? Because at the time of the dream I didn't live here and I didn't have a baby. I had a 4 yr old and a 6yr old. Neither in diapers. (thankfully) So, I remembered this totally random dream.

And the only other dreams I usually remember are the ones where I have been less than faithful to my husband. And I know those won't come true unless Brad Pitt tires of Angelina some time soon.

So, here I am carrying this rotten-ness into a kitchen I didn't recognize. And to say I didn't recognize it is an understatement. It isn't even a finished kitchen. A wall framed in but not finished, looking into a room stripped to the studs on one side. So not even this house when we moved in.

There was the dream. Totally random. Me, in a house, not mine (at the time) cleaning up after a baby, not mine (at the time).

Oh and did I mention the cat sleeping on my table? The only familiar aspect from my previous house and this one. No, not the cat. The table. It was the same table in my dream that I actually owned. But not the cat. Nope. My cat was white. The cat in the dream was an orange tabby. At the time I thought I was dreaming of our cat from years back. But I guess not.

Now, next time I dream of numbers I will play them faithfully for a few years and see if anything pans out.

Sweet Dreams!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's been awhile.

Updates.... So far so good one most of the resolutions for 2009...I think...I can't remember all of them...bonus to not remembering them is that I won't be disappointed if I don't accomplish the goals I set out to...

We are in renovation-land here. I would say reno-hell but I'm too excited that things are getting done. We installed a new floor in the bathroom (by we I mean me). We installed new countertops in the kitchen and rearranged cupboards. We reinstalled the long forgotten friend, mr. dishwasher, who I have missed terribly and we just today tore down a wall. It's different being able to see into an empty blue walled bedroom from my freshly painted chocolate brown kitchen.

I'm thinking at the moment that I picked a not so great time to blog...but whatev...Rob's brother came over to visit...oh joy...not that I mind visits from him, they are not that frequent actually and I do enjoy his company. He brought kids. And donuts. And hot chocolate. How nice of him. Right. Like my kids need more sugar, actually since I cut out A LOT of the sugar they used to consume any amount of sugar is like edible gold to them. Along with this sugar throw in 2 kids who aren't familiar with our household and the rules here. Extreme rules like no throwing toys at each other, no hitting, no going in rooms that contain dangers (like my bedroom).

Aargghhhh...that is the feeling I am experiencing right now. As I am in the kitchen with my fave fave fave giftie from my hubby ever, my laptop, there are 5 kids ransacking the small temporary playroom just off the living room. They are throwing more toys than I knew even existed in this house. Where are the father's of these children? Outside. Why? Because this is what everyone does to me...the one non smoker in all of existance...ok well it feels that way when we all get together. I get left behind to mind all these hellions, er, children while the rest socialize outside. I hope they freeze their tails off!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

Technically it is January 1, 2009. I know the time on this post will not reflect that but I am not computer literate enough to make it say the right time. But so ya know it is 1:25 am.

I usually never, almost never, have never actually ever made a New Year's Resolution. Well never officially. I have said "this year I'm gonna lose weight" ...yeah I really stuck to that one.

So here is my list. There will be a few resolutions that may have variables and influencing factors but for the sake of making a list here they are:

1. I will lose at least 60 lbs this year. (unless I conceive in which case I will revise the number.) Seeing as how I am starting the year at 240lbs, this should be doable. Starting NOW!!

2. I will not swear as much. (Actually I already started that and am doing amazingly but I'll make it a resolution so that I feel I have accomplished something.)

3. I will yell less. In arguments for sure. At Rob when he is being "Rob" and when I want someone who is in another room I will get off my behind and go to them instead of yelling which will help #1 slightly. (more movement)

4. I will complete all planned house renovations before the end of 2009. (this will of course require hubby's help)

5. I will keep the house clean and tidy (even during aforementioned renos).

6. I will make more effort to keep in touch with friends, both old and new. And make an effort to make some new friends.

7. I will spend more girly time with Cassie and one on one time with each of the boys.

8. I will take the time to bake goodies for the family that are healthy and yummy. ( I will be able to do this because my house will be clean and tidy so I will have more time.)

9. I will have this house completely organized. It may take till the bitter end of '09 but I WILL accomplish this!!

So there you have it. 9 resolutions for '09. There are many more things I will be working on as well, many other personal goals I have but these are the main ones.