Thursday, November 13, 2008


We are on Day 6 of Daddy-less-ness ... Mr. "I don't hunt" was scheduled to be home on Tuesday. At least that was what he told us Sunday when we left the cottage. We thought "Sure, 2 more sleeps till Daddy comes home. We can handle it! Yay!"

Now I know to some people a few days without their spouse around is a nice break. And it is. Really. I am enjoying my space....but...the ratio of 3 kids to 1 mom can sometimes be overwhelming. The older two have stuff like homework and the need to be fed and bathed and dressed in un-smelly clothing. (the little one can snack and walk around most of the time in a diaper if need be, and hey what are baby wipes for if not an impromptu spot cleaning). It would be nice to have another body around here to help out with that stuff (or at the very least give the illusion of helping out).

We had quite the homecoming planned too! We were making Daddy a nice homemade chili, since he loves chili (not the biggest fan myself but it was to be for him). The kids were so excited that morning as they left for school!

Imagine my surprise when my mother called mid-morning to announce her return from the cottage. Her solo-return!! She calmly stated that Rob and my father were plannig to stay till Sunday. SUNDAY!!! At first I thought she was pulling one over on me...or trying to...then I realized she wasn't bull shitting me and the rat b@$t@7d had decided to ignore the longing he'd seen in his daughter's eyes as we left the previous Sunday evening to take more time to loiter in the bush spotting deer for my father who can't see them on his own apparently.

Obviously I was not/am not pleased. It has taken me 2 days to collect my thoughts enough to put them down in an almost light hearted way (almost).

And guess what today is??? It's PAYDAY! Yup, so I'm thinking a little retail therapy is just what the Dr. ordered. I may regret it later (he
will regret it later).

And guess where the kids and I are heading tomorrow after school??? You got it! The cottage. We're going to make up a nice batch of chili and take it on up to him! Nice aren't I? Not a bit! I'm just a little passive-aggresive though. I plan to take him on a sweet little guilt trip like he's never been on before!!!