Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

Technically it is January 1, 2009. I know the time on this post will not reflect that but I am not computer literate enough to make it say the right time. But so ya know it is 1:25 am.

I usually never, almost never, have never actually ever made a New Year's Resolution. Well never officially. I have said "this year I'm gonna lose weight" ...yeah I really stuck to that one.

So here is my list. There will be a few resolutions that may have variables and influencing factors but for the sake of making a list here they are:

1. I will lose at least 60 lbs this year. (unless I conceive in which case I will revise the number.) Seeing as how I am starting the year at 240lbs, this should be doable. Starting NOW!!

2. I will not swear as much. (Actually I already started that and am doing amazingly but I'll make it a resolution so that I feel I have accomplished something.)

3. I will yell less. In arguments for sure. At Rob when he is being "Rob" and when I want someone who is in another room I will get off my behind and go to them instead of yelling which will help #1 slightly. (more movement)

4. I will complete all planned house renovations before the end of 2009. (this will of course require hubby's help)

5. I will keep the house clean and tidy (even during aforementioned renos).

6. I will make more effort to keep in touch with friends, both old and new. And make an effort to make some new friends.

7. I will spend more girly time with Cassie and one on one time with each of the boys.

8. I will take the time to bake goodies for the family that are healthy and yummy. ( I will be able to do this because my house will be clean and tidy so I will have more time.)

9. I will have this house completely organized. It may take till the bitter end of '09 but I WILL accomplish this!!

So there you have it. 9 resolutions for '09. There are many more things I will be working on as well, many other personal goals I have but these are the main ones.


The Maven said...

Impressive! Let's keep each other motivated, shall we? I have a hella list, myself!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

you can do it! i never make resolutions of any kind cause i know i wont keep them LOL. i suck